Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fwd: First Grade Field Trip to a Gay Wedding

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chip White, Press Secretary, Yes on 8 <>
Date: Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 3:04 AM
Subject: First Grade Field Trip to a Gay Wedding
To: - Yes on Proposition 8

Dear Friend,

You're not going to believe this.

In the same week that the No on 8 campaign launched an ad that labeled as "lies" claims that same-sex marriage would be taught in schools to young children, a first grade class took a school-sponsored trip to a gay wedding. Eighteen first graders traveled to San Francisco City Hall Friday for the wedding of their teacher and her lesbian partner, The San Francisco Chronicle reported. The school sponsored the trip for the students, ages 5 and 6, taking them away from their studies for the same-sex wedding.

The wedding was officiated by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, who arrogantly welcomed the arrival of same-sex marriage by saying "The door's wide open now. It's gonna happen, whether you like it or not."

It's no wonder that the No on 8 campaign is fighting tooth and nail to get our ads pulled off the air. It's because they're true. Not only will schoolchildren be taught about same-sex marriage if Prop 8 fails, it's already happening.

To make sure Californians know the truth, we need you to do three things right now:
  1. Forward this email to your friends and family right now, and ask them to forward it to their friends. Every California voter needs to know about this.
  2. Watch the ad the No on 8 campaign doesn't want you to see, and donate to keep it on the air.
  3. Please volunteer today, and we'll put you out in the field talking to voters directly -- as thousands are already doing this weekend.
Thank you for all that you do. Please spread the word and make sure your neighbors know the truth before they vote!


Chip White
Press Secretary - Yes on 8

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