Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dancing With God

Thank you, Ginger.

When I meditated on the word Guidance,
I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word.
I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing.
When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.
The movement doesn't flow with the music,
and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.
When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead,
both bodies begin to flow with the music.
One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back
or by pressing Lightly in one direction or another.
It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully.
The dance takes surrender, willingness,
and attentiveness from one person
and gentle guidance and skill from the other.
My eyes drew back to the word Guidance.
When I saw "G": I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i".
"God, "u" and "i" dance."
God, you, and I dance.
As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust
that I would get guidance about my life.
Once again, I became willing to let God lead.
My prayer for you today is that God's blessings
and mercies are upon you on this day and everyday.
May you abide in God, as God abides in you.
Dance together with God, trusting God to lead

A Peek Into Your Head

thanks, Kris

If you like - copy, change the answers and post, email or comment.

My mother’s best friend Barbara at the time. I don’t know her last name, It sounds like McCune but was spelled differently.

Yesterday, reading “Rilla of Ingleside” (Anne of Green Gables #8) when Jem went off to war and his poor little dog refused to leave the train station, but waits there meeting every train looking for him.

When I am not in a hurry and messy. I do a kind of running walk, more print than cursive, inspired slightly by, but not as nice as my Aunt Robin’s hand.

4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? Meat from real meat, roast beef from a real roast is best, turkey (white meat) is great, too. But not from a package so much.

My joy and my blessings!

I think so.

Not as much as I used to, but sadly, I enjoy a good nip now and then, despite President Hinckley.


Not likely!

I prefer eggs and sausage - there goes my heart! Oatmeal with peanut butter and brown sugar.

I prefer slip ons, but usually, I do untie when I wear tie ons.

Physically? so-so, ok for an old woman. Emotionally and spiritually? Sometimes, but not strong enough

Moose Tracks or Chocolate Moose Tracks, but not Cherry Moose Tracks.

What kind of face they have.

Depends on where on what.

That is a very long and embarrassing personal list.

That could make me cry again. Mostly? Myself as a full-time mother. Also, dear friends who have moved away.

Grass green

Pot roast when we come home from church, wet sidewalks in the summer, newly mown lawns, clean babies, roses, chocolate

Ben who said, “Speed Bumps.”

Eventing (horses jumping), horse racing

Brown with “silver highlights” at the temples.


No, I have glasses I don’t wear as much as I should.

Too many! Beef. Potatoes. Chocolate. Lemon Meringue Pie. Artichokes. Corn on the cob. Ice Cream. The list goes on.


“For Love of Winn-Dixie” at the BloodSource. Mediocre.

Spring and Fall, actually. But between them, Summer.

31. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? "Rilla of Ingleside," “The Old Testament” & always, "The Book of Mormon"

A bit of news, bits of Wheel of Fortune, most of Everybody Loves Raymond

My children laughing, birds in the morning, ocean surf,

Acadia National Park


36. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Willits, Mendocino County, California the little town where Seabiscuit and his jockey each went to recuperate


Monday, April 28, 2008

Judge Not

Thanks for passing this on, Ginger.

I was shocked, confused, bewildered
As I entered Heaven's door,
Not by the beauty of it all,
Nor the lights or it's décor.

But it was the folks in Heaven
Who made me sputter and gasp-
The thieves, the liars, the sinners,
The alcoholics and the trash.

There stood the kid from seventh grade
Who swiped my lunch money twice.
Next to him was my old neighbor
Who never said anything nice.

Herb, who I always thought
Was rotting away in hell,
Was sitting pretty on cloud nine,
Looking incredibly well.

I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal?
I would love to hear your take.
How'd all these sinners get up here?
God must've made a mistake.'

'And why's everyones so quiet,
So somber-give me a clue.'
'Hush, child, 'He said, 'They're all in shock.
No one thought they'd be seeing you.'

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Estate Planning

Subject: Estate Plan

This is slightly wicked, but funny.

*Dan was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business. When he found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a wife with which to share his fortune.

One evening at an investment meeting he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty took hisbreath away.

"I may look like just an ordinary man," he said to her, "but in just a few years, my father will die, and I'll inherit 20 million dollars."
Impressed, the woman obtained his business card and three days later, she became his stepmother. *

Women are so much better at estate planning than men.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I just thought it was interesting.

Saluting comes from a tradition that belonged to the medieval knights. Shaking hands was the way to show you carried no hidden weapons. Pulling up the visor of your armor to show your face was just as important - it showed you were a a friend. This became the widespread custom of nodding or tipping your hat as a greeting. In the ranks of the military, it became the formal salute.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

"God's Perfection"

Thank you, Ginger!
I confirmed this story, which Ginger sent me, on Truth or Fiction,com which says" This story has a source which has been able to trace. It's attributed to Rabbi Paysach Krohn, a popular lecturer and best-selling author of the ArtScroll Maggid series of short stories. In a message to, Rabbi Krohn said, "Every single word in the story is accurate. I heard it from Shaya's father himself - who is a close friend of mine"" Although, in my email the boy's name is Shay and on Truth or it is Shaya. The two versions are only slightly different.


Here is the Truth or Fiction version:

Where is God's Perfection?

In Brooklyn, New York, Chush is a school that caters to learning disabled children. Some children remain in Chush for their entire school career, while others can be mainstreamed into conventional schools.

At a Chush fund-raising dinner, the father of a Chush child delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended.

After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he cried out, "Where is the perfection in my son Shaya? Everything God does is done with perfection. But my child cannot understand things as other children do. My child cannot remember facts and figures as other children do. Where is God's perfection?"

The audience was shocked by the question, pained by the father's anguish, stilled by the piercing query.

" I believe," the father answered, "that when God brings a child like this into the world, the perfection that he seeks is in the way people react to this child."

He then told the following story about his son Shaya:

One afternoon Shaya and his father walked past a park where some boys Shaya knew were playing baseball.

Shaya asked, "Do you think they will let me play?"

Shaya's father knew that his son was not at all athletic and that most boys would not want him on their team. But Shaya's father understood that if his son was chosen to play it would give him a comfortable sense of belonging.
Shaya's father approached one of the boys in the field and asked if Shaya could play. The boy looked around for guidance from his teammates. Getting none, he took matters into his own hands and said "We are losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him up to bat in the ninth inning."

Shaya's father was ecstatic as Shaya smiled broadly. Shaya was told to put on a glove and go out to play short center field.

In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shaya's team scored a few runs but was still behind by three. In the bottom of the ninth inning, Shaya's team scored again and now with two outs and the bases loaded with the potential winning run on base, Shaya was scheduled to be up. Would the team actually let Shaya bat at this juncture and give away their chance to win the game? Surpassingly, Shaya was given the bat.

Everyone knew that it was all but impossible because Shaya didn't even know how to hold the bat properly, let alone hit with it. However as Shaya stepped up to the plate, the pitcher moved a few steps to lob the ball in softly so Shaya should at least be able to make contact.

The first pitch came in and Shaya swung clumsily and missed. One of Shaya's teammates came up to Shaya and together the held the bat and faced the pitcher waiting for the next pitch. The pitcher again took a few steps forward to toss the ball softly toward Shaya. As the pitch came in, Shaya and his teammate swung at the bat and together they hit a slow ground ball to the pitcher.

The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could easily have thrown the ball to the first baseman. Shaya would have been out and that would have ended the game. Instead, the pitcher took the ball and threw it on a high arc to right field, far beyond reach of the first baseman.

Everyone started yelling,"Shaya, run to first. Run to first." Never in his life had Shaya run to first. He scampered down the baseline wide-eyed and startled. By the time he reached first base, the right fielder had the ball. He could have thrown the ball to the second baseman who would tag out Shaya, who was still running. But the right fielder understood what the pitcher's intentions were, so he threw the ball high and far over the third baseman's head. Everyone yelled, "Run to second, run to second." Shaya ran towards second base as the runners ahead of him deliriously circled the bases towards home. As Shaya reached second base, the opposing short stop ran to him, turned him in the direction of third base and shouted, "Run to third." As Shaya rounded third, the boys from both teams ran behind him screaming, "Shaya run home."

Shaya ran home, stepped on home plate and all 18 boys lifted him on their shoulders and made him the hero, as he had just hit a "grand slam" and won the game for his team.

"That day," said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, "those 18 boys reached their level of God's perfection."

Friday, April 18, 2008

Sacrament Meeting Talk 4/13/2008 Alma speaks to Corianton

Although I read, thought, prayed, took notes, and studied on my talk whenever I could for two weeks, I never really "wrote" my talk. Here is the very unpolished draft. From the response I received, I can only say, I think the Lord helped it along A LOT when I gave it.

It may have also helped that I cried - an embarrassing amount. That started in the introduction! I introduced myself as the happily divorced mother of 8. So far, so good. But when I mentioned how proud I am of my children and how happy I am with my children's loving marriages, I started to lose it. Then at certain key moments in the talk, not necessarily easily spotted in black and white, I did not just tear up a little, I cried. Not pretty! In fact, I remember at some point lamenting that I am not even a pretty crier. For some reason, people love that stuff - if they believe it.

This is the talk, such as it is:

Alma 39 - Alma chastises his son, Coriaton

why is Alma unhappy with Coriaton?

2 For thou didst not give so much heed unto my words as did thy brother, among the people of the Zoramites. Now this is what I have against thee; thou didst go on unto boasting in thy strength and thy wisdom.
3 And this is not all, my son. Thou didst do that which was grievous unto me; for thou didst forsake the ministry, and did go over into the land of Siron among the borders of the Lamanites, after the harlot Isabel.
5 Know ye not, my son, that these things are an abomination in the sight of the Lord; yea, most abominable above all sins save it be the shedding of innocent blood or denying the Holy Ghost?

Corianton has committed some pretty serious sins, but here's the thing

Alma 39:7-9
7 And now, my son, I would to God that ye had not been guilty of so great a crime. I would not dwell upon your crimes, to harrow up your soul, if it were not for your good.
8 But behold, ye cannot hide your crimes from God; and except ye repent they will stand as a testimony against you at the last day.
9 Now my son, I would that ye should repent and forsake your sins, and go no more after the lusts of your eyes, but cross yourself in all these things; for except ye do this ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God. Oh, remember, and take it upon you, and cross yourself in these things.

Alma says except ye repent ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God. The flip side of this is if you do repent you can inherit the kingdom of God. You may have committed serious sins, but if you repent, you can inherit the kingdom of God. There is hope for you.

Chapter 39 is Alma calling Corianton to repentance. The next 3 chapters are Alma answering some of Corianton's questions and concerns and finally calling him to the ministry - despite his great sin.

Alma 42: 29-31
29 And now, my son, I desire that ye should let these things trouble you no more, and only let your sins trouble you, with that trouble which shall bring you down unto repentance.

Don't worry and fret. Don't wring your hands and cry, "woe is me!" Repent.

30 O my son, I desire that ye should deny the justice of God no more. Do not endeavor to excuse yourself in the least point because of your sins, by denying the justice of God; but do you let the justice of God, and his mercy, and his long-suffering have full sway in your heart; and let it bring you down to the dust in humility.

Realize that God is a god of justice and mercy. Humble yourself and repent.

31 And now, O my son, ye are called of God to preach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words. Amen.

Having repented, go thy way and help others.

Alma 43:1 And now it came to pass that the sons of Alma did go forth among the people, to declare the word unto them.

Not some of the sons of Alma, or most of the sons of Alma, but the sons of Alma. It sounds to me that Corianton is back on track and a called servant of the Lord.

Remember, Corianton's father is that same Alma who, son of a prophet, used to go around with his buddies trying to destroy the church.
Mosiah 27:10 And now it came to pass that while he was going about to destroy the church of God, for he did go about secretly with the sons of Mosiah seeking to destroy the church, and to lead astray the people of the Lord, contrary to the commandments of God, or even the king—

Mosiah 28:4 And thus did the Spirit of the Lord work upon them, for they were the very vilest of sinners. And the Lord saw fit in his infinite mercy to spare them; nevertheless they suffered much anguish of soul because of their iniquities, suffering much and fearing that they should be cast off forever.

Alma had a great conversion experience. Once he saw the light and repented, he went on to become a great prophet.

What I learn from Alma and Corianton is that the Lord will forgive us, if we repent, even if we have done very bad things.

President Uchtdorf in his talk "Point of Safe Return" which he gave a year ago in General Conference reminded us, "Christ came to save us. If we have taken a wrong course, the Atonement of Jesus Christ can give us the assurance that sin is not a point of no return. A safe return is possible if we will follow God's plan for our salvation."

Isaiah 1:18
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

There are very few things that the Lord will not forgive.

So we might think that if God will forgive very serious sins, he must be an OK, lenient kind of guy and we don't need to worry about the little things.

D&C 1: 31 For I the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance;

32 Nevertheless, he that repents and does the commandments of the Lord shall be forgiven;
33 And he that repents not, from him shall be taken even the light which he has received; for my spirit shall not always strive with man, saith the Lord of Hosts.

We all need to repent. We all need to repent every day. According to the manual Gospel Principles:

The prophets have declared that "this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God" (Alma 34:32). We should repent now, every day. When we get up in the morning, we should examine ourselves to see whether the Spirit of God is with us. At night before we go to sleep, we should review our acts and words of the day and ask the Lord to show us the things for which we need to repent. By repenting every day and having the Lord forgive our sins, we will experience the daily process of becoming perfect. As with Alma, our happiness and joy can be sweet and exquisite.

President Spencer W. Kimball stated: "Since all of us sin in greater or lesser degree, we are all in need of constant repentance, of continually raising our sights and our performance. One can hardly do the commandments of the Lord in a day, a week, a month or a year. This is an effort which must be extended through the remainder of one's years" (The Miracle of Forgiveness [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1969], p. 202).

Who needs to repent? Each of us. When do we need to repent? Today and every day. What happens when we repent? The Lord forgives us.

"The gift of the Atonement of Jesus Christ provides us at all times and at all places with the blessings of repentance and forgiveness."
President Uchtdorf "Point of Safe Return"

why we don't repent-
- despair that we are hopeless
- thinking we are not so bad ( I can think both at the same time!)
- fear of the pain of repentance - Christ suffered horribly that we might not have to suffer as much. We will have to go through some pain and sorrow, but if we don't repent, we waste Christ's suffering and we have to go through it ourselves.

If I were the only one who needed it, Christ would have suffered for me.

"I Will Remember Your Sins No More"
President Boyd K. Packer:
The angels of the devil convince some that they are born to a life from which they cannot escape and are compelled to live in sin. The most wicked of lies is that they cannot change and repent and that they will not be forgiven. That cannot be true. They have forgotten the Atonement of Christ.

"For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him" (D&C 18:11).

Christ is the Creator, the Healer. What He made, He can fix. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the gospel of repentance and forgiveness (see 2 Ne. 1:13; 2 Ne. 9:45; Jacob 3:11; Alma 26:13–14; Moro. 7:17–19).

"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God" (D&C 18:10).

"The Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance; nevertheless" (D&C 1:31–32), the Lord said, "he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more" (D&C 58:42).

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fwd: FW: Baskin Robbins .31 cents Ice Cream on 04/30/08.

passed on by a friend. Thanks, Holly.

Baskin Robbins is honoring America's Firefighters by selling ice cream for 0.31 cents per scoop on Wednesday, April 30th between 5 pm and 10 pm. Grab your sweetie, friends, and/or the kids and have a cool one! This fundraiser for the firefighters is an important one for them according to one our EDD employees who has family that fights fires in California.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Saying Grace In A Restaurant

another gem forwarded by Ginger. Thank you, Ginger
I have no idea if it is true, but it is sweet.
Saying Grace In A Restaurant

Last week, I took my children to a restaurant.

My six-year-old son asked if he could say grace.

As we bowed our heads he said, 'God is good, God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank you more if Mom gets us ice cream for dessert. And Liberty and justice for all! Amen!'

Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby, I heard a woman remark, 'That's what's wrong with this country. Kids today don't even know how to pray. Asking God for ice cream! Why, I never!'

Hearing this, my son burst into tears and asked me, 'Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?'

As I held him and assured him that he had done a terrific job, and God was certainly not mad at him, an elderly gentleman approached the table. He winked at my son and said, 'I happen to know that God thought that was a great prayer.'

'Really?' my son asked.

'Cross my heart,' the man replied.

Then, in a theatrical whisper, he added (indicating the woman whose remark had started this whole thing), 'Too bad she never asks God for ice cream. A little ice cream is good for the soul sometimes.'

Naturally, I bought my kids ice cream at the end of the meal. My son stared at his for a moment, and then did something I will remember the rest of my life.

He picked up his sundae and, without a word, walked over and placed it in front of the woman. With a big smile he told her, 'Here, this is for you. Ice cream is good for the soul sometimes; and my soul is good already.'

Bringing the Peace of the Lord into our Homes

"Our families need the peace of God in their lives, and if we can't or won't invite the Lord into our lives, then our families become a reflection of our own turmoil. Women are asked to be nurturers to their families, but we must also be firm; we must be the hard rock footings on which our homes can stand. Our families need us to speak peace to them, just as the Lord speaks peace to us. Our homes need to be places where our families and friends want to be, where all who enter our homes can draw
strength and courage to face the challenges of living in an increasingly wicked world. Our children need to hear us 'talk of Christ, . . . rejoice in Christ, [and] preach of Christ' (2 Nephi 25:26) so that they may know to what source they can look for the peace that 'passeth all understanding' (Philippians 4:7)."

(Kathleen H. Hughes, "Remembering the Lord's Love," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 112)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mormon Women

Thank you, Cyndi W. !

Mormon Women:
If you, or someone you know has ever felt overwhelmed by all they feel
they need to do, Vickie Gunther of Redlands , California , wrote a hilarious
poem, Dr. Seuss style, about how much LDS women try to take on. David B.
Marsh used it at Women's Conference, and Vickie has given permission to
share it.

The Girl in a Whirl by 'Dr. Sue' (a.k. A.. Vickie Gunther)

Look at me, look at me, look at me now!
You could do what I do if you only knew how.
I study the scriptures one hour each day;
I bake, I upholster, I scrub, and I pray.
I always keep all the commandments completely;
I speak to my little ones gently and sweetly.
I help in their classrooms! I sew all they wear!
I drive them to practice! I cut all their hair!
I memorize names of the General Authorities;
I focus on things to be done by priorities.
I play the piano! I bless with my talents!
My toilets all sparkle! My checkbooks all balance!
Each week every child gets a one-on-one date;
I attend all my meetings (on time! Never late!)
I'm taking a class on the teachings of Paul,
But that is not all! Oh, no. That is not all,
I track my bad habits 'til each is abolished;
Our t-shirts are ironed! My toenails are polished!
Our family home evenings are always delightful;
The lessons I give are both fun and insightful.
I do genealogy faithfully, too.It's easy to do all the things that I do!
I rise each day early, refreshed and awake;
I know all the names of each youth in my stake!
I read to my children! I help all my neighbors!
I bless the community, too, with my labors.
I exercise and I cook menus gourmet;
My visiting teaching is done the first day!
(I also go do it for someone who missed hers.
It's the least I can do for my cherished ward sisters.)
I chart resolutions and check off each goal;
I seek each 'lost lamb' on my Primary roll.
I can home-grown produce each summer and fall.
But that is not all! Oh, no. That is not all,
I write in my journal! I sing in the choir!
Each day, I write 'thank you's' to those I admire.
My sons were all Eagles when they were fourteen!
My kids get straight A's! And their bedrooms are clean!
I have a home business to help make some money;
I always look beautif ully groomed for my honey.
I go to the temple at least once a week;
I change the car's tires! I fix the sink's leak!
I grind my own wheat and I bake all our bread;
I have all our meals planned out six months ahead.
I make sure I rotate our two-years' supply;
My shopping for Christmas is done by July!
These things are not hard; 'tis good if you do them;
You can if you try! Just set goals and pursue them!
It's easy to do all the things that I do!
If you plan and work smart, you can do them all, too!

It's easy!' she said and then she dropped dead.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared . Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door!

He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car shouting, 'What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That's a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?'

The young boy was apologetic. 'Please, mister...please, I'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do,' He pleaded. 'I threw the brick because no one else would stop...' With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car. 'It's my brother, 'he said. 'He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up.'

Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, 'Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me.'

Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. 'Thank you and may God bless you,' the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy! push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.

It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: 'Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!' God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It's our choice to listen or not.

Thought for the Day:

If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.

If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.

He sends you flowers every spring.

He sends you a sunrise every morning Face it, friend - He is crazy about you!

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow,sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.