Thursday, November 15, 2012

Daily Prayer - He is Here

a friend at work sends me a daily prayer thought -

Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.   James 4:8

In the quiet early morning, as the sun’s first rays peak over the horizon, we may sense the presence of God. 

The next time you hear a baby laugh or see an ocean wave, take note.  Pause and listen as his Majesty whispers ever so gently, “I’m here.”   Max Lucado

Since God is everywhere, we are free to sense His presence whenever we take the time to quiet our souls and turn our prayers to Him.  But sometimes, amid the incessant demands of everyday life, we turn our thoughts far from God; when we do we suffer. 

Are you tired, discouraged or fearful?  Be comforted because God is with you.  Are you confused? Listen to the quiet voice of your Heavenly Father.  Are you bitter?  Talk with God and seek His guidance.  Are you celebrating a great victory?  Thank God and praise Him.  He is the Giver of all things good.
In whatever condition you find yourself—whether  you are happy or sad, victorious or vanquished, troubled or triumphant—celebrate God’s presence.  And be comforted in the knowledge that God is not just near.  He is here.

Get yourself into the presence of the loving Father.  Just place yourself before Him, and look up into His face; think of His love, His wonderful, tender, pitying love.   Andrew Murray

Dear Lord, You are with me always.  Help me feel Your presence inn every situation and every circumstance.  Today, Dear God, let  me feel You and acknowledge Your presence, Your love, and Your Son.  Amen

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