Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Crazy 8's

I got this from Sariah. You can play, too. Just copy and fill in your own answers. If you don't have a blog, email it to me, or how big a comment will this blog take, anyway?
Crazy 8s

Crazy 8s

8 things I'm passionate about:

1. I could finish this right now by listing my 8 children by name - then there's the children-in-law and the grands

2. the atonement of Jesus Christ

3. membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

4. being an citizen of the United States of America

5. the Priesthood and Boy Scouts of America

6. animal/child cruelty

7. plumbing

8. reading

8 Songs I can listen to over and over again and never get sick of:

1. I Stand All Amazed

2. the songs from Fiddler on the Roof

3. theme song from Exodus

4. Desert Rose by Sting

5. Called to Serve

6. the songs from Man of La Mancha

7. How Great Thou Art

8. I Love Trash

8 books I've read:

How to choose?! I have read hundreds of books! several of them more than once, among those:

1. The Book of Mormon

2. The Bible

3. The Pearl of Great Price

4. The Doctrine and Covenants

5. Jesus the Christ

6. nearly all the Dick Francis books

7. I think all the James Herriott books

8. I recently finished the Anne of Green Gables series

8 Things I say often:

1. Pretend you're camping.

2. Well, you're not dead yet.

3. Keep it Simple

4. Fiscal Services, Barbara speaking.

5. I should have gotten the minivan.

6. Nothing, I'm just tired.

7. Hug your mother, brush your teeth, say your prayers.

8. Assume the position.

8 Things that attract me to a friend:

1. someone who actually likes me (which requires a lot of # 4, 5, and 8)

2 moral character

3. faith in God

4. sense of humor

5. kindness

6. a little spark and spirit

7. trustworthiness

8. understanding

8 Random things about me:

1. I wrecked my car alone in an empty parking lot.

2. I hate to exercise.

3. I like to sing, but I cannot carry a tune.

4. I can get an excellent grade without comprehending the material -3 Accounting classes (one at a time!) all with As. Were they all easy teachers? Must have been.

5. A part of me is always lurking to punish me which has caused me great pain. I must learn to recognize and control it.

6. I like to drive.

7. I wish I could dance. I would like to learn to line dance.

8. I love being a mom more than anything except God (and it is dangerously close there).

8 Things I want to do before I die:

1. raise my children

2. see each of my children in the temple of the Lord

3. get my financial (and other) affairs in order

4. repent

5. lose enough weight that I won't be humilated (and they won't be disgusted) when my daughters dress me and my sons TRY to carry my coffin

6. have a clean house

7. scrapbook and journal

8. let my loved ones know

8 Things I've learned this past year:

1. I already knew it, but now I REALLY know it – being a "working mom" is HARD

2. Having to be away from home almost all the time is worth it if you are happy to be there when you are home.

3. My children will stand up for me.

4. My joints will probably never let me go hiking with Ryan. (unless, MAYBE, I lose a LOT of weight)

5. How to use a credit card and how to epay.

6. I cannot do as much as I used to.

7. Camellia City Ward Troop 40 was a truly awesome troop.

8. I have wonderful children. Again, I already knew it, but I gratefully realize it again and again.

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